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Rating: 3 / 5 based on 675 votes.
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Они - признак того, что мы рядом. Основная сложность - расконтролить аддов на Делриссе так, чтобы они не отхилились. Комментарий от Thottbot This instance is the bane of my soon to be over wow life. FIRST your gonna need atleast 2 cc in this place because u wouldnt want a tank with 5 guys on him! I would wait for your Pups cooldown before attempting to run past these guys incase you pull. Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter , который собирает данные, пока вы играете! Timing here may need some practice,it is definately doable though. Комментарий от Norange Фуллран дает репутации на нормале, примерно на героической сложности. I kno a lot of people already kno the loot because it is "old" BUT for you people that just reached 70 heres some advice

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Second time we had a proc warrior HP , 2 mages with and hp unbuffed, a rogue, and me pally. Following that boss will be a hallway with single pulls of mana worms, leading up to a hall with DOZENS of mana worms. Kaelthas fight consists of two phases, from what I could tell. HTML код Вкл. Комментарий от We cleared half the instance up to 3rd boss on heroic yesterday, then ran out of time and came back later that night with one person swapped out. When drops his AE, move out and interrupt his next cast so he runs over to you. Комментарий от About getting there Kael - I tried this both as prot and as ret, I find it easier to get done as ret. You see, each add gives you a stacking buff.

Between Vexallus and Delrissa can be some annoying trash pulls, note that you only have to kill one pack in the room after Vexallus, you can jump up the ridge by using the tree as a stepping stone and skip them. Сайт игры "Perfect World" Архив Вверх. Текущее время: By that i mean try to aim for full epic ones for Heroics.

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    Anyway, start attacking and kill adds as soon as they pop up. And you have to think of it as a 5v5 arena fight. Здесь же вы найдёте исполнителей услуг и работу.

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  • Комментарий от Soloed normal version at 80 as a PvE arcane mage some time ago. We brought a druid tank, survival hunter, ret pally, ice mage and healing druid myself. Also, its just one instance, and most instances favor a few classes over others.

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    Комментарий от Thottbot So Вода трех тысяч озер - шт. Mind the pat, run up from the hall where you will see one pack to your left and one in front of you surrounding a fountain. Good luck! Комментарий от exowizard What do ya know? Комментарий от Thottbot Bring a mage. Five large orbs also spawn that move about the room and hit party members for damage per hit. Good Luck! End boss is a piece of cake. Не уверены, как правильно построить комментарий? Once he blast you into the sky, everyone should run back to the entrance of the room and take a look at the bubbles. Он загружает собранные данные на Wowhead, помогая поддерживать базу данных в актуальном состоянии! При входе в комнату Келя атаковать нельзя, пока он не договорит. The only touble that we had on herioc was the third boss.

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    We also found that the warlocks were the hardest hitting mobs in the instance. Комментарий от Once patch 2. The large array of buffs that can be stolen, combined with polymorph, and ice block, make them valueble members of the party. Each stack of the buff needs to be stolen separately, however. End boss is a piece of cake. Камень казни - 6 шт. Not just you, the entire group. I killed the 2 trash pulls before him. Сияние богини Сихэ - 1 шт. Комментарий от Thottbot dnc lvl 70 prot warrior do i have to be well geared to do this im all blues and 1 epic no greens. Две хар-ки. Сдаём Калегосу квест, берём новый. Everyone else taking damage from fenix should bandage. Would expect it to be easier now that I have better gear though arcane barrage nerf might hurt alot.

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    Report content on this page. But you have to pay attention to positioning - his flamestrike still hurts a lot.

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  • Most of the pulls are concentrated before the first boss, and between the second and third bosses. The rogue can gouge, the shaman can heal, the warrior can mortal strike. For the first half of the fight he will use Flamestrike and Fireball, along with a weak melee move. So far it has eluded me. You can safely save Apoko for last since he runs oom rather quickly. The other key to this fight is to not DPS too quickly. He did have a drain life ability that would target the second person on threat meter, although it did target me as the tank once.

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  • Комментарий от Thottbot I am a 70 pally with only bonus healing and i just cleared this. If i stop to cast chain heal i usually eat an orb and it hits 1 person. Комментарий от Easily soloable on heroic as a Naxx geared Enhancement Shaman. Здесь же вы найдёте исполнителей услуг и работу. A healer with group heal does make the instance easier, but its definitely not a must in heroic MgT.

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  • I hope this can give all pally healers out there some confidence. Комментарий от Тактика прохождения героика ретри-палом: врубаем печать света, БоК, разряжаем печать на хил по мобам, кушаем и т. The boss itself is similar to Curator in Kara, unleashing a small ball of energy called Pure Energy every few seconds that does damage to everyone around it. Third boss: everyone is saying you need 3 forms of cc for this fight, we only used one sheep.

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    I hope this can give all pally healers out there some confidence. Saved me gold on the AH though. I mean, HARD. Following that boss will be a hallway with single pulls of mana worms, leading up to a hall with DOZENS of mana worms. Report content on this page.

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  • Wiped on him times because we were playing it wrong. Try to nuke as much as you can in the beginning and then focusing on surviving. Especially on the 3rd boss, our priest died and then the boomkin did fine healing.

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  • We brought a druid tank, survival hunter, ret pally, ice mage and healing druid myself. Take this mob out FAST or your going to have your healer struggling to heal everyone or dead within a few seconds. We burned him ASAP. Количество перьев Количество серебра Вероятность успеха Вероятность успеха с Амулетом закалки Вероятность успеха с Амулетом пяти закалок 1 2. There are several arcane robots who cast a chain arcane lightning. Please submit your DMCA takedown request to dmca telegram. Between Vexallus and Delrissa can be some annoying trash pulls, note that you only have to kill one pack in the room after Vexallus, you can jump up the ridge by using the tree as a stepping stone and skip them. Эльф к нашему приходу почти умер, успевает сказать лишь, что нужно использовать некий шар и сообщает, что "Они подпитывают Солнечный Колодец". Melee is almoust useless at this point. Keep fire resist aura up at all times and try to keep your buffs on. You can either grab a mage guard for the healing debuff bubble or just faceroll it. The trick to this fight is to get him in phase 2 before he hits you with a pyroblast. Комментарий от Thottbot i am a lvl 70 warrior with all blues and 1 epic do i have to be well geared for this? But you have to pay attention to positioning - his flamestrike still hurts a lot. Other than that, nothing really poses a threat. Кристаллы Альфа-ПВП являются психостимулятором, который зависимые используют в рекреационных целях. Not just you, the entire group. All of the members are fully cc able and they can all be stunlocked, including the priestess. As in greater than shade of aran damage. Most any other group can do it if they find a way but the dungeon is not too be fooled with. Especially on heroic. I tried this and got overwhelmed by phoenixes, plus the problem with this strat is if you get a flamestrike in a bad spot, then you have to back away or die to phoenixes plus flamestrike. Most also have cc abilites and can prove to be rather annoying. They hit fairly hard and cast Holy Light to heal themselves.

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  • The other key to this fight is to not DPS too quickly. Комментарий от Sardon Little advice to warlocks, and groups with warlocks. The trash can goes from a smooth pull to a nightmare in a couple seconds if a tank or healer get stunned so make sure everyone is watching everything. I also love the loot.

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  • We CCd the mage guard and focus fired the physician, then killed the blood knight. Between Vexallus and Delrissa can be some annoying trash pulls, note that you only have to kill one pack in the room after Vexallus, you can jump up the ridge by using the tree as a stepping stone and skip them. The hard part is over.

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  • Скриншоты, содержащие элементы интерфейса, по общему правилу, удаляются сразу. Существует множество аналогов Альфа — ПВП. Of course, being 68, once I saw 70 elites, I ran back outside, but I was able to enter as of Sheep one mob, slow another and nuke a third down, moving asap to the fourth. Бриджи властителя небес. Комментарий от Mages will want to use their Spellsteal ability liberally in this instance. The BK will heal the imp, and you should be able to kill him before he gets another heal off. Strat I use now is simple priority - kill phoenix when up, dps kael. Комментарий от This instance, nerfed since 3. Что-то странное они придумали. Комментарий от Thottbot the most successful heroic MGT I ran is a group of: 3 pallies, 1 mage 1 lock. Mind the pat, run up from the hall where you will see one pack to your left and one in front of you surrounding a fountain. Альфа ПВП: последствия употребления. But yeah, always enslave the Succubus, they have insane DPS for pets. When he casts the gravity lapse, fly back all the way to the door you entered in. Комментарий от I have heard from some better players then I that this instance gets easier on heroic mode and completing it on normal is the real challenge.